Flour scoop

My husband wanted a flour scoop to replace the table spoon he kept in the flour container. So... I set out to hand-build one. This was my first on-my-own project, and it was a lot of fun trying to understand how to shape the clay to get the right final outcome.

The initial build of the flour scoop.

After it dried a bit, I cleaned it all up and carved the word "flour" in cursive into the bottom of the scoop. Then I put in the queue for the kiln.

Bisqued flour scoop, as viwed from the top.
Bisqued flour scoop, as viwed from the inside.

It came out of the kiln with thin cracks where the flat back (handle) meets the curved body (scoop). But it was very sturdy, and that was exciting. Then it was time to glaze it. I don't remember what glaze I used. I was going for something orange, but...

Finished flour scoop.

...it turned out brown. And it's great! The outside of the handle is unglazed, and the glaze on the inside sealed the cracks that formed during bisque firing. Overall, this one came out just about perfect.