Planter (at-home class)

This was one of the projects for an at-home hand-building class I took. In fact, it was my first project, and the first time I ever worked with clay. This was hand built using coils, and it was a nightmare. I got frustrated with the coiled rows constantly being slightly larger than the rows below them, so the planter kept getting wider and wider instead of going straight up (more like a cylinder). Twice I cut out triangle segments to pull it into a more cylindrical shape. Honestly, I fully expected it to fall all to pieces in the kiln.

After I built these class projects, I took them back to the studio to be glazed and fired. I got to pick the glaze color, but they did all the actual work. And then I got to see the final product!

The finished planter.

And surprise! It survived! Yes it's full of cracks and imperfections, but those were there when I finished.