Cup with handle (at-home class)

This was one of the projects for an at-home hand-building class I took. The first project, the planter, was coiled, and this cup was my first attempt at slab building. It turned out I enjoyed slab building much more than coiling, and attaching a handle was a very important learning experience.

The initial build of the cup. The clay is still pretty wet.

On this one, after it had dried a little bit and I was working on cleaning it up, I decided to exercise a little creativity and added some circles to the body and some scratch decoration between them. After I built these class projects, I took them back to the studio to be glazed and fired. I got to pick the glaze color, but they did all the actual work. And then I got to see the final product!

The finished cup.

I really like the kind of denim effect of the glaze. The cup turned out a little small for my use (maybe around 8 ounces, so pretty good for a tea or coffee cup), but I am really pleased with how well the handle is attached.