Flour scoop #2

My husband wanted a second flour scoop to replace the table spoon he kept in the other flour container. So... here we go. Learning from the outcomes of the first one, I set out to make the wall go further down the body on this one while still coming to a nice point. I also added a small bar at the top of the inside handle as something you could use for leverage when scooping.

The clay was wetter than I thought it was when I started this build. I started by cutting out the base and then cutting a slab that would go about 70% of the way around that circle. The slab would be attached to form the wall. But because the wall was not complete and didn't support itself and the clay was wet, the walls really wanted to collapse. I propped the walls up between a couple of things I had handy and let it sit for a bit, and that seemed to have done the trick.

The initial build of the flour scoop.

During the cleaning and trimming phase, I opted to engrave some text again. On the previous flour scoop, I engraved the word "flour" in cursive on the base. This time I decided to be even more utilitarian and generic.

Flour scoop, trimmed and cleaned. The word "scoop" is engraved into the scoop.

I didn't take any pictures after the bisque firing because it wasn't anything particularly interesting. For colors, I chose a G White base glaze and a... someone's Big Blue (I don't remember the exact name) on top. When fired, it should turn out a really pretty blue. We'll see!

Other flour scoops

By mid-January, I had constructed 6 more flour scoops. But... I'm not going to document them here because I didn't do anything new with them than with this one.